Tuesday, September 25, 2012

‘Philosophy of Chair’

‘Philosophy of Chair’

A chair is viewed from its utility view point while its design is under consideration. Utility too have more than one parameter. What’s the use of object? Who is going to use it? Where will it be installed or placed? And so on.
Different chairs may be used by same person at different point of time. Say while relaxing and beaming favorite television show in own drawing room, a person want to use relaxing chair with arm resting comfortably and resting heaps on soft cushioned surface and back resting on comfortable support but while having lunch or dinner on a lovely dining table the chair must be little taller and the chair arms may be redundant or might become obstacle and back support, if absent, may not bother while the same person seating opposite to a bar counter wants to have tall chair to artificially create high mood.
Okay…. These are just few examples of specific use of chair for different applications. There can be ‘n’ number of applications. The chair of Managing Director of some corporate house and the chairs or executives of the same corporate house and that of junior Clark and others holding different positions and post can’t be alike.
When a craftsman is asked to design a chair he has to be made fully aware about whom the chair is for, where it is going to be installed and what is the application.
A king of a nation seating on ordinary looking chair may not attract the attention of people of his kingdom and his cabinet colleagues occupying the chairs of top quality and craftsmanship shall look not in place.
So while looking from the point of view of craftsman ‘What is a chair?’
Chair is an object which ultimately shall reflect the personality of the person seating on it. It can’t be ordinary. A person seating on an ordinary chair can ruin his status. So much is the importance of a chair and hence its creator must follow the basic philosophy of chair design without which the money spend will go in vain.
Of course the strength of chair shall also play vital role in defining the power that of the person seating on it must be enjoying. A powerful decision maker seating of ordinary weak looking chair shall lack that vigor to decide anything with firmness, right or wrong.

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